Common Sense
Common Sense
We have thoroughly researched and strongly believe in all the products and advice offered here at All our products have been tested on humans as well as the staff at Mojo Skin & Hair*. However, we are not doctors and are not familiar with any specific medical conditions that you may have. So please check with your doctor before radically changing any part of your daily health or grooming regime.
Please use common sense when trying any new products or grooming regimes as they provide different results for different people. If you experience any reaction to a product (whether it is ours or anyone else’s) you put on your skin then you should discontinue use immediately.
If you have extra sensitive skin we would suggest you try and avoid products that contain menthol or excessive fragrance (parfum). We would also suggest trialing new products on an inconspicuous part of your skin if you are concerned that you may have a reaction. It is also very important to read all the instructions for products as directions may vary.
If you have any product comments, queries or whatever (!) please contact us.